We are on a mission to create an effective natural solution for stubborn menstrual symptoms. Calm Cycle was born out of seeing the struggles that women go through and the lack of options available. The treatments for menstrual pain & symptoms haven't evolved much in decades. Modern medicine still fails to provide safe, effective solutions for symptoms such as severe menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, mood swings, bloating, stabbing pain, and more. Birth control and NSAID abuse are linked to serious side effects, while most natural products ignore too many symptoms or fail to make much of an impact. We formulated Calm Cycle to support the body, mind, and emotions.
The majority of products are either weak, unhealthy, or ignore too many symptoms!
Calm Cycle utilizes internal and external products to help decrease painful symptoms and promote calmness as quickly as possible! Utilizing topical and internal routes helps to flood the body with healing nutrients and maximize the body's ability to combat symptoms of PMS and menstruation. Our goals is to have the most convenient, effective, complete natural remedy for period pain on the market. Severe menstrual symptoms are on the rise, but relief is possible with the power of natural medicine. No matter what degree of pain you experience during your period, we believe it's possible to see a significant improvement.

Calm Cycle is a two-part product that helps equip the body to combat the pains and symptoms that occur each month. We try to attack symptoms from multiple angles in the healthiest way possible. Menstrual pain is notoriously stubborn and difficult to calm. We include ingredients for a range of symptoms such as severe cramps and stabbing pains, heavy bleeding, mood swings, lethargy, anxiety, bloating, and more. More women around the world are experiencing severe symptoms than ever before, but improvement is always possible no matter how severe your symptoms are.
Unlike many products on the market in the category of menstrual cramps and period pains, Calm Cycle only needs to be taken for around 6-7 days per month. We utilize unique and potent natural cramp-fighting ingredients that aren't commonly found in products. While we won't make false promises of completely removing all the symptoms you experience (which no product will do), we try our absolute best to make the most effective formula possible.
Calm Cycle works by influencing the following mechanisms:
1. Lowering Prostaglandin Synthesis
These lipids in the body have hormone-like effects and play a profound role in pain, inflammation, contraction or dilation of blood vessels, clotting, and much more. Research shows that women who experience higher levels of pain during their menstrual cycle usually produce a higher amount of two prostaglandins called F2 Alpha and E2. These cause more intense contractions in the uterus which leads to stronger menstrual cramps and overall pain.
2. Helping to Produce Calming, Relaxing Neurotransmitters
Low neurotransmitter levels such as GABA, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and others are associated with different types of mood and emotional imbalances. For PMS and menstrual issues, studies show that GABA and serotonin levels may drop quite significantly in some women. Dopamine may be affected as well. Many women may experience this a week or more before menstruation begins and can contribute to all types of frustrating feelings and emotions. Calm Cycle supplies several nutrients to help support these neurotransmitters.
3. Supplying Potent Antispasmodic, Cramp-Fighting Nutrients
We make sure to include many strong anti-spasmodic ingredients to give your body the best chance of combating the uterine spasms that lead to cramps. This is where many herbs and supplements fail miserably, especially when cases are severe. The stabbing pain and strong contractions can be decreased to a significant degree in most cases with the right ingredients.
Calm Cycle attacks menstrual cramps with comprehensive internal and topical formulas. Using both routes allows for the best chances to combat the severe spasms and pain from the inside out and outside in. We spent many months choosing the most powerful natural cramp-fighting compounds available. However, results will vary from person to person, but it is our goal to provide as much relief to many different symptoms with more consistency than other products in this category.
4. Balancing Heavy Bleeding and Flow
This is something that few products seek to address, yet many women endure each month. Heavy menstrual bleeding is not only uncomfortable, but it can also impact your health and quality of life after your period is over. We include several ingredients known for their strong astringent and anti-hemorrhagic properties to balance flow and reduce blood loss. It is not meant to so dramatically reduce bleeding, but balance it. If the product is taken for the first time after menstruation begins, it will not be as effective as beginning the product a couple of days before.
5. Calming Inflammation, Soothing Frazzled Nerves, & Relaxing Muscles
This is such a critical aspect to feeling better on those days where everything feels inflamed, achy, and irritated. Calm Cycle provides several ingredients that can help lower the tension in the mind and soothe the nerves and muscles. This doesn't mean that these symptoms will completely go away, but we strive to go beyond what other menstrual pain formulas provide. We pay close attention to also include ingredients to help improve some of the symptoms of mind and emotions as well as the physical ones.