In this section, we will list studies on different herbs and nutrients related to menstrual symptoms. Many supplements are touted as being beneficial but are more about hype than proof. Natural medicine has such high potential but is often done with neglect. However, some ingredients have incredible potential but haven't received the attention they deserve. Some of these we utilize in Calm Cycle.

The Powerful Potential of Potentilla
The Underutilized Benefits of Vervain
There are several types of vervain that possess valuable medicinal benefits. The one that we use is blue vervain. It is undervalued and overlooked for conditions related to headaches, pain, anxiety, seizures, insomnia, and more. Not many formulas make use of this valuable herb that can both nourish and relax the nervous system. Vervain is also excellent for the urinary system, kidneys, and liver, and has good anti-microbial properties.
Despite its rich history of use in natural medicine, it has fallen into relative obscurity in modern times. One of its nicknames is "herb of the cross" because according to some sources, it was used on Jesus's body for his wounds. Clinically, we see that vervain is a good anti-inflammatory, which is usually helpful during menstruation when inflammation is higher than normal. One study on animals showed remarkable anti-inflammatory activity according to researchers.
In addition, vervain decreased damage to the digestive system, offering a protective effect. The main reason we use vervain in our product is to calm spasms and cramps, decrease pain, and lessen the severity of headaches. While it won't cause headaches to completely disappear, it can lower their severity. As a bonus, vervain can help improve minor depression and anxiety, especially due to stress and tension.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17354166/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28066246/
Is Oregano a Secret Weapon for Cramps & Menstrual Problems?
Oregano has unfortunately been typecast in the medicinal world. It is almost exclusively marketed for colds, viruses, and bacteria defense. While it is excellent for this purpose, other properties of it usually get overlooked. According to several studies, it possesses potent anti-inflammatory effects. Since certain pro-inflammatory prostaglandins are one of the pronounced causes of period pain, oregano can certainly be helpful. In addition, it has known anti-spasmodic effects that can fight cramping. While these effects are unknown in the United States, other places around the world use it for those symptoms. Oregano for period pains is quite obscure though, but it can outperform many well-known herbs in formulas. Oregano isn't quite powerful enough on its own to completely stop severe cramps, but it can be a very useful part of a formula.
Lemon Balm Improves Multiple Menstrual Symptoms
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at the effects of lemon balm on menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea. Two groups were chosen with very similar symptoms at the start of the study. Despite the placebo group benefiting, the group taking lemon balm experienced less fatigue. A second study tested lemon balm using 100 young women to see if short-term use provided any benefits. The women took a fairly high dose from the beginning of their menstrual cycle up until the last day for three consecutive cycles. The group that was supplementing saw a significant difference in several symptoms over placebo.
A third study done in Iran took a group of 93 women and gave them a moderate dose of lemon balm for two weeks before their cycle. After the first cycle, premenstrual symptoms were noticeably lower. In the following month, symptoms reduced to an even greater degree. Overall, these studies validate the usefulness of lemon balm. We use it because of its all-around effects and excellent safety. Lemon balm is both calming and uplifting. And as a bonus, it also may reduce the intensity of cramps, although that isn't its forte.
Is Chamomile a Reliable Remedy for Menstrual Symptoms?
Without a doubt, chamomile is one of the most popular herbs used for tea in modern times. It is almost always marketed for relaxation and sleep, but the phytochemicals in chamomile have diverse medicinal properties. A review of previous studies looked at the overall therapeutic effects that chamomile has on period pains and symptoms. This wasn't a single study, but rather a review of previous research done. When examined, chamomile consistently shows tangible benefits in reducing the amount of pain and bleeding that occurs during menstrual cycles.
Overall, chamomile is a proven ally in the right against several menstrual pain and symptoms. However, it isn't among the most powerful herbs for symptoms like severe cramps and heavy bleeding. This is why it is best used as part of a formula rather than a stand-alone. In addition, chamomile is excellent for helping the muscular system to relax when nerves are on the edge and general aches are present. One further study on chamomile showed clear benefits to the emotional symptoms of menstruation as well.
Boron's Intriguing Effects
Boron is a very interesting mineral that often slips through the cracks when it comes to health. The bone-building and hormone balancing properties are very valuable. In addition, it can also help detoxify certain heavy metals, although it is not enough as a stand-alone. Boron is also a powerful ally to detoxify fluoride from the body. On top of all of that, boron is important for electrolyte balance and may even protect the heart muscle from scarring and fibrosis! When it comes to menstrual pains and PMS, boron gets overlooked again. It is nearly impossible to find it in products for menstrual pain.
However, because of the overall benefits, we make sure to add a good dose to our product. A high-quality, triple-blind study with 100 students suffering from dysmenorrhea (painful periods) took either boron or placebo for two cycles. They only took the boron starting two days before their cycle started until the third day. Despite only taking it short-term, the product still helped. The group using boron experienced less pain and severe symptoms than the placebo group. In addition, the duration of these symptoms was shorter.
Pomegranate Flower for Heavy Bleeding
While the peels and arils of a pomegranate are common, the flowers are quite the opposite. Yet, studies show the flowers of pomegranate may be the most powerful portion for certain things like arterial health. While the juice is fantastic for arterial health and defending against certain pathogens, the flower proved to be much more effective for arteries in one study. Moreover, it also shows benefits for diabetes and the potential for lowering pain perception.
For period pain and heavy bleeding, pomegranate flowers may just be a secret weapon that many are looking for. This is yet another powerful ingredient that's never utilized in menstrual formulas. One study proved these powerful effects during a 3-month study. The effects were comparable to a known medication, without any potential downsides.
Potentilla is a powerful ally in the fight against menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, and stomach distress. Sadly, it's fallen away from mainstream use, but was highly regarded in certain cultures of the past. This is a shame because it outperforms many of the commonly used menstrual herbs. The tannins and astringent properties made it very useful for mouth infections, bleeding, skin ulcerations, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and sore throats. It's also a great herb to protect the digestion system when used in moderate doses. In addition, it is used for sore throat, diarrhea, inflamed mouth, lockjaw, jaundice, skin problems, and more.
A famous Swiss herbalist wrote about potentilla over 100 years ago, stating that there are very few remedies that can compare to potentilla for menstrual cramps and hemorrhages. The cramp-fighting effects of silverweed extend to the heart, stomach, uterus, and more. The powerful antispasmodic effects reduce contractions that occur with severe cramping. One study validated these effects, although research on potentilla isn't easy to find. However, it is tried and proven by many users. It's unfortunate that herbs somehow fall into obscurity and don't receive the funding for testing. This is irrelevant to its properties and efficacy in medicine.